Call for Paper

Abstracts and papers 

The International Society of Palaeogeography cordially invites experts of palaeogeography and relevant disciplines to submit abstracts or papers.
(1) Requirements of abstracts
Abstract should be submitted before
May 31, 2021February 28, 2021. Each abstract should include title, author’s name, author’s affiliation, abstract, keywords without figures or tables. For detailed information, please refer to the requirements in Journal of Palaeogeography.
(2) Requirements of papers
In order to improve academic quality, all the applicants who prefer to give oral presentations about papers should submit them before July 1, 2021March 31, 2022. Papers are written following the requirements of Journal of Palaeogeography. Chinese authors are required to submit Chinese abstracts simultaneously. 
The papers will be peer-reviewed after acceptance by the conference. Authors are supposed to revise their manuscripts according to comments of reviewers and send back revised versions to the conference on time. The revised papers, if accepted by the conference finally, will be orally presented at the conference and will be published in Journal of Palaeogeography.

Outstanding paper awards for young scientists


The conference will award the outstanding papers by young scientists/students, with the following eligibility criteria:
(1) Applicants should prepare their manuscripts according to the above-mentioned requirements and provide five copies of their papers to the conference;
(2) Only the first authors of manuscripts can apply;
(3) Applicants should be less than 40 years old;
(4) Applicants should present the papers at the conference orally.
(5) The winners’ papers will be published in Journal of Palaeogeography.
Awards for outstanding papers by young scientists/students consist of a certificate, bonus, as well as free post-conference field excursion.
If the winners submit their papers to other journals, the conference will cancel the awards.
The conference sincerely appreciate experts of palaeogeography and related disciplines donate monographs as awards for the outstanding papers by young scientists/students. 


Oral and poster presentations

Three days of conference will be scheduled on May 14-17, 2022.
The technical programme includes oral presentations as well as poster presentations. Further details about the schedule will be provided in the Second Circular.
The official language at the conference is English.



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